=for timestamp Mi Jun 15 17:49:05 CEST 2005 =head3 Press vocab zur 4. Schulaufgabe =over =item 1. In order to remove offensive, morally harmful or politically dangerous contents books used to be subjected to I (Zensur). =item 2. The I is laid down in the first Amendment to the Constitution of the US. =item 3. USA Today is a I whereas the Kansas City Star is a I. =item 4. A newspaper or a magazine that is published a)every day: I, b) every week: I, c) evry month: I, d) four times a year: I. =item 5. Time and Newsweek are American I comparable to the Spiegel, Psychology Today is a I. =item 6. There's both an international and a European I of Time available. =item 7. While I always read the business I
, I'm not too keen on the I (Klatschspalte). =item 8. If you I to a newspaper it will be sent to you by post on a regular basis. So you won't have to go and buy it at a newsagent's. =item 9. The attack on Abigail W. in an otherwise peaceful village in Surrey I or in other words I (Schlagzeilen machen). =item 10. Stories about celebrities always I (sich gut verkaufen). =item 11. serious press (I), sensational press (I), scandal sheets (I), quality paper (I), popular press (I), broadsheets (I), tabloids (I), gutter press (I), yellow press (I) =item 12. Tabloids like the Sun are comparable to the German Bild and have huge I (Auflagen). The Sun sells 3.8 million copies (Exemplare) per day. =item 13. Titelgeschichte I, Leitartikel I, Aus aller Welt I, Beilage I, Spezial(artikel) I, Todesanzeigen I, Kleinanzeigen I, Fortsetzungsroman I, Fortsetzung folgt I, Leserbrief I, Bericht I, Reportage I, Ratgeberspalte I =item 14. Einen Artikel veröffentlichen I, eine Meldung bringen I, über ein Ereignis berichten I, Berichterstattung I, Berichten zufolge I =back