Zuletzt geändert: Sa, 07.10.2006

«K12/K13» stega.pl «PDF», «POD»


use warnings;
use strict;

use Imager;
use Getopt::Long;

# parse command line
  "input=s"  => \my $input,
  "output=s" => \my $output,
  "mode=s"   => \my $mode,
  "help!"    => \&usage

# check parameters
if(!$mode or $mode !~ /^(embed|extract)$/i) {
  print "--mode must be either \"embed\" or \"extract\"!\n\n";
} elsif (!$input or !-R $input) {
  print "--input not given or filename not readable!\n\n";
} elsif(lc $mode eq "embed" and !$output) {
  print "--mode=embed but no --output filename given!\n\n";

# open image
my $img = Imager->new;
$img->open(file => $input, type => "png");

# get heigt and width of image in pixels
my ($height, $width) = ($img->getheight, $img->getwidth);

# hide data in image
if(lc $mode eq "embed") {
  my $iter = DNSX::BitFH::Input->new(\*STDIN);
  my $i = 0;
  while(defined( my $databit = $iter->next )) {
    my $channel = $i % 3;
    my $pos = int($i / 3);
    my $y   = int($pos / $width);
    my $x   = $pos % $width;

    if($pos > $height * $width) {
      print "Data too long for image!\n";
      printf "You may save up to %d bytes in this image.\n", int($height*$width*3/8);
      exit 1;

    my $color = $img->getpixel(x => $x, y => $y);
    my @rgb   = $color->rgba;
    $rgb[$channel] = 2*int($rgb[$channel] / 2) + $databit;

    $img->setpixel(x => $x, y => $y, color => $color);
    #warn "$i -> $x,$y, $channel: $databit -> $rgb[$channel]\n";


  $img->write(file => $output);

# extract data
} else {
  my $bitfh = DNSX::BitFH::Output->new(\*STDOUT);

  for my $y (0..$height - 1) {
    for my $x (0..$width - 1) {
      my @rgb = $img->getpixel(x => $x, y => $y)->rgba;
      for my $color ((@rgb)[0..2]) {
	#warn "$x,$y: $color -> " . (($color % 2 == 0) ? 0 : 1);
	$bitfh->add($color % 2 == 0 ? 0 : 1);

  $bitfh->flush() or die;

sub usage {
  print <<USAGE;
  stega.pl [ arguments ]

  stega.pl is a example implementation of a simple steganography tool that
  hides information in PNG-files by manipulationg the colors.

  stega.pl manipulates the least significant bit (LSB) of every color channel
  (red, green, blue) of a pixel. Therefore you can theoretically save
  (height*width*3)/8 bytes information in a image.

  The information is read by STDIN, so you may just pipe the output of another
  programm to stega.pl.

  You have to use the embed mode to hide information in an image. The data will
  be read from STDIN.

  --input  filename of the original image in which the information should be
  --output filename of the manipulated image that contains the information. 

  You have to use the extract mode to hide information in an image. The output
  will be written to STDOUT.

  --input  filename of the manipulated image that contains the information.

  \$ stega.pl --mode=embed   --input=tree.png --output=secret.png
  \$ stega.pl --mode=extract --input=hidden.png

  Ingo Blechschmidt <iblech\@web.de>,
  Michael Hartmann <michael.hartmann\@as-netz.de>
  exit $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;

# ------

package DNSX::BitFH::Input;

use warnings;
use strict;

sub new { bless { fh => $_[1], buf => [] } => $_[0] }

sub next {
  my $self = shift;

  if(@{ $self->buf }) {
    return shift @{ $self->buf };
  } else {
    my $byte = getc $self->fh;
    return unless defined $byte;

    for(my $i = 7; $i >= 0; $i--) {
      push @{ $self->buf }, vec $byte, $i, 1;

    return $self->next;

sub fh  : lvalue { $_[0]->{fh}  }
sub buf : lvalue { $_[0]->{buf} }

package DNSX::BitFH::Output;

use warnings;
use strict;

sub new { bless { fh => $_[1], buf => [] } => $_[0] }

sub add {
  my ($self, $bit) = @_;

  push @{ $self->buf }, $bit;


sub flush {
  my $self = shift;
  local $_;

  return 1 unless @{ $self->buf };

  while(@{ $self->buf } >= 8) {
    my @bits = splice @{ $self->buf }, 0, 8;
    my $byte = "";
    vec($byte, $_, 1) = $bits[7 - $_] for 0..7;
    print { $self->fh } $byte;

  return 1 unless @{ $self->buf };

sub fh  : lvalue { $_[0]->{fh}  }
sub buf : lvalue { $_[0]->{buf} }
